This plate of the Fish and the Loaves was given to us by our friend, Iddo in 1995. Iddo was our tour guide when we went to Israel in 1990. Edward was an infant at the time and Iddo helped make our visit so special and forever memorable. We connected with him, not just for the 10 days we traveled together, but now, 18 years later, we still have a story to tell. This plate, the miracle of the Fish and the Loaves, represents feeding the multitudes. Jesus blessed the two fish and fives loaves, and miracle of miracles, 'there were about 5000 men who ate aside from the women and children.' (Mat.14:21). Iddo and his beautiful wife, Irit, gave us the plate to bless our household, and it did. But then, a few years later, HIS household needed a blessing, with tourism in Israel at an all time low, he needed some help. I thought, let's make a deal. We'll send him the plate for 7 years and then wherever we are in the world each of us would share the plate for 7 years at a time. Well, his time was up, and then some, but, yet again, miracle of miracles, Iddo was coming to the States last week, New York City, to be specific. Lo and behold, my husband had to be in New York City last week as well! Jimmy and Iddo had a wonderful reunion over coffee @ Starbucks, catching up like two old friends who had known one another forever! OUR household is awaiting our blessing, now that we have our plate back. Iddo, who is thriving in his tourism and lecturing business, loves telling the story about the traveling plate! We realize that the plate is just a plate, but, it has great meaning to us and it's ours until 2015!!! We still keep our eyes focused towards heaven......
That is very cool amy...
Very cool - I love the story!
It's not just a plate... it's a symbol of a fabulous friendship! Most excellent!
What a beautiful story!!! thank you for sharing it... I have goose pimples all over... Only one reproach!!! come visit Israel again!!!! :-)
You never know when or where you may strike up a deep and lasting friendship, and to establish a tradition like you have with your Israeli friend is quite extraordinary, and very beautiful. I seem to have difficulties staying in touch with people who live just down the road!
Perused every single item in your Etsy shop, and I love your work. Better start making my millions f-a-s-t! :-)
Gosh, there is a great deal of effective info here!
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