I have in my possession two extraordinary handmade beaded purses. Both are well over 50 years old. One was made in Paris and was handed down to me via my Great-Aunt, who traveled alot. The other bag, which I recently acquired, was given to me directly by my Aunt Sue. Here's what makes Aunt Sues' bag so special...my Mother made it for her a good 50 years ago! My Aunt just moved, to be closer to her one of her daughters (hi Rita!), and while going through all of her things, she happened upon the bag that Mom made for her, and thought I might want it!! WELL YES!!! Having met some of the most gifted 'bead weavers' over the recent months, I thought that you gals would appreciate some of the old handiwork. You may have guessed, that the bag from Paris, is the black one with the beautiful embroidered flowers. However, I was so impressed with the bag that Mom made, and how well it has held up, I just had to share. They are both small, but functional for an event. I have used the purse from Paris , many, many times and it is kind of 'frail' on the underside, but I love it. Mom's bag, hopefully, will get it's share of good use, say over the next 50 years. So, cheers to you Mom, for doing such an excellent job, and a big thank you to Aunt Sue for thinking of me!
Those are great purses - I'm sure the "bead weavers" will definately appreciate them! I'm amazed at those gal's talents!!!
aren't they gorgeous Amy!!!
50 years !!!.they have certainly retained their charm and beauty..
that gold bag must have taken hours to make....
obviously you have inherited your Mum's talent....
how lovely of your Aunt to hand it on to you :)
ps your mixed media work of the weeds is marvellous !!!
I love the shape of the frame on that bag from Paris, what a treasure. Your mom's isn't too shabby either; I can't believe she made that!
Thanks for your kind and lovely comments today, they mean a lot coming from you!
Hey Miss Deb...the bead weavers blow me completely out of the water w/ their talent as well...I still can't get a straight answer from my Mom how she made it...crocheting???
Kim, the Paris bag has become quite fragile...like I said, especially on the back of it near the latch...I may wait until the Winter and put it on my list of 'things to do' on a dreary day when I want to curl up and stay home...and try to fix it...my Mom was very, very good and very, very patient @ stitch work..big tablecloths (which I have), and clearly the pocketbook...she was the beloved 'Arts and Crafts' counselor @ camp every summer in the Berkshires...
The mixed media is from a watercolor/mixed media which I had posted previously...but it WAS a perfect fit..so, the weeds match the painting!!!
Jen, the Paris bag is very easy to carry...it is very soft, yet the frame allows a good hold. I haven't taken Mom's bag out for a run yet, but I've got a couple of things coming up...I would love to show it off...and YOU'RE WELCOME...straight from the heart.
those are just gorgeous!!! How wonderful for you that your mum's bag has found its way home to you!!! and very generous of your aunt :-) I've been meaning to start beading bags... hopefully this week :-) you have definately inspired me!!! thank you for sharing with us!!! :-)
Beautiful! I love vintage stuff. BTW, the purses aren't the only things that are wonderful here... grab a mirror and have a look at what I'm talking about. Thank you soo much:)
Both bags are just lovely and your mom's...what a treasure!
Triz...OMG...BAGS!!!...I can barely wait to see what you come up w/...it is YOU who inspired me w/ a much deeper appreciation of the work involved in beading...so, thank you...
politi gal...thank you for such a compliment...no one has ever quite put it that way before...glad that you liked...
Yes, Waterrose, you are right, the bag is a treasure...but you should meet my MOM!!!!
Those are so beautiful. What lovely memories and a joy to use.
haha Amy ..you have a list of 'things to do'...just like my sister :)
and my Mum does cross stitch and makes patchwork quilts and bags too...
we will have to have a show and tell of our Mums' talents one day soon eh...:)
Oh, I should take some pictures of my Mom's cross-stitching...I've been offered money for one of her table cloths, but of course, there's no way it's leaving my home! I would love to see some your Mom's work as well...yes, we should have a 'Mom's Appreciation Day, for all the talent that they've passed on to us...and Christy has challenged me, in her own, most diplomatic manner, to draw the lace from Girl Whirl and the curtain...it's on the Winter 'to do' list!
Thank you mommy and me...yes, wonderful memories, and I hope I have many more events to use each of the bags!
Beauuuuutiful bags Amy...
And what a wonderful story about your aunt and your mom. Life is full of these little serendipitous events but you don't get to hear about them every day! I am glad I ran across your story, thank you for sharing the wonderful images too!
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