We are in the thick of the Fall season and the weather is turning a bit nippy here in Providence. The first thing I want to do is cover my neck to block out that chill in the air. These two talented gals from Italy, Ixela and Silvia have my full attention with their very appealing and pragmatic neck warmers. Style is important and their artistry along with their great sense of 'looking good' even when it's cold, has totally grabbed my attention. Aren't these pieces just delicious? Check out their shops on Etsy. Just click on the photos, or Ixela or Silvia to see the rest of their artistry! Lovely!
oh I love both of their work... but Ixela's neckwarmers are just my cup of tea!!! gorgeous!!! and she's the nicest person ever!!! :-)
I've been eyeing the pink scarf myself:)
these are stunning Amy...
I'll be sure to check out their sites :)
I'm like you in the cold ....warm neck..hands and feet is my motto...
hey grats to your husband on the baseball win....
nothing better when your team comes in :))
enjoy your Sunday :)
ah I see you have your twitter counter in....but I can't see your updates...let me know if you need help with it :)
Hi Amy! Read my latest blog post at Robin's Woods for what's happening. Princess Cupcake and I will keep your blog bookmarked and visit often.
yeehaaa I just noticed that I'm your TC..hehehe..
I wonder how that could be ;) ;)
Triz, aren't they just gorgeous...I know that both gals are very nice and I would love to own something from each of these photos...I've been admiring them (the ladies) for quite a while now... BTW,how on earth do you get so many treasuries?????
Nancy OMG, the pink scarf is to die for...I'm a pink lover...
Yup Kim, it's time...I have on my wool socks, under my dancers leg warmers and I have been known to walk around the house w/ mittens during the 'in between' times when it's not cold enough to put on the heat, but I AM!!! Jimmy is still very, very happy for his team...the parade was yesterday in Philadelphia...they had gorgeous weather..I'm still in Saturday, but I will have a great Sunday...you as well!
Twitter, I'm deciding about the updates, for right now, that is tonight, I've got the 'follow me' badge that links to my home page...but thank you for the code!
Jennie, I have left a comment on your page...you will be missed, but, I will bookmark your page as well, and probably visit everyday as I have in these past many months...love and hugs to Princess Cupcake!
Kim, I honestly don't think you have missed but one or two opportunities to comment and I am ALWAYS SO HAPPY when you do...oh, big hugs..:)
while I drop my Entrecards I keep an eye on the treausries, and I calculate when they open up :-) btw one of your photos is in one of my treasuries right now! :-)
How stunning beautiful and practical they are! - particularly the pink scarf - lovely.
Thanks for sharing these.
Thank you Triz!!!! Always great to be featured in a treasury... if you have a free minute, can you send me the page like last time...I still can't get it...(sorry)
I've seen Ixela's work & love it but Silvia is a new one to me - gorgeous stuff!
lucinda, I love your blog...have you as one of my favs...yup, Ixela and Silvia are two talented gals w/ quite the eye...I love the pink scarf as well and would wear it in a heartbeat, but that color green is really good for me...love them ALL!!
Yes Leah, Ixela has a blog (and her Etsy shop) and Silvia sells on Etsy..enjoy your look/see!
... as per usual I'm in late... always in late... what can I say dear Amy... you are simply adorable... you made my day!!!
Thank you so much sweetie for this lovely feature... I'm really so honoured and your word are really too kind... you made me blush (I hope these are the right words!)
I love the green and the pink one. Too bad I live in a place where any of them wouldn't be practical.
Ale, in this case, late is totally relative...you are so very welcome...I love your beautiful work and I am delighted to have you posted w/ your friend, Silvia...hope you get some sales!!!
Waterrose, they are really beautiful aren't they???...I'm totally jealous that you are in a warm climate...I'm a much happier camper in warmer temps!
ahh Amy
leg warmers...what would we do without them :) :)
I had the most beautiful baby pink ones when I was dancing..
I wonder what happened to them ..
keep warm Amy :):)
Oh leg warmers...baby pink, my personal favorites!!!...Kim, here is where I bought mine:
We lived in a very big, very old, very beautiful and very non-insulated Victorian house when we first moved to RI and I became proficient @ using the plastic that shrinks w/ heat over the windows (the very large and drafty windows)to keep the breeze out. It's like being hermetically sealed in, but it worked. As much as our windows here (we bought this house 4 years ago..1923 Dutch Colonial) are new and the house is insulated, the east and west sides of the house, top floor, still need a little help...so, I did 2 windows today and I have 3 more to do...anything to save on the gas bill and stay warm!!!...hugs...:)
Wow! I especially love the rose-colored scarf with that pin. So perfect!
Hey Frances...yes, the rose colored scarf looks so yummy...I totally agree!!
Oh my! My favorite is the pink scarf! Simply divine!
I will be sure to check out their sites.
Hey Lynn....divine is an excellent way to describe the pink scarf...I want them ALL!!! Good to see you here!
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