Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Wordless Wednesday

Beach rocks found on Monday...could be a message here...what do you think???


Wendy said...

I think I need to get down to my beach! Wonder if there's any messages there for me...

Azure Accessories said...

I think you have a message! :0)
Isn't it fun to see all the great "gems" that are washed up on shore!
I love to walk along the beach to see what I can find...

Unknown said...

These are beautiful. I so wish I lived near a beach.


Amy Lilley Designs said...

ah ha Jennie...please, do let me know...I wonder what your message is!!!!

Heather, this, as you know, is one of my great joys of the season...just simply scouring the shore for interesting rocks and an occasional shell..these, REALLY got my attention!!

Hey Lydia...we are beach babies for sure...always a joy to seeing an old friend...we just pick up where we left off...:))

DVArtist said...

Ahhh yes... rocks hold the history of the universe. Great finds.

WillOaks Studio said...

Lovely--I love rocks!...and yes, it's a secret code but I'm not tellin'!

Amy Lilley Designs said...

Thank you Nicole..I have to agree w/ speak..there is no question..I'm thrilled w/ these finds...:))))

Ah ha tell!!!!!!!

OLLIE MCKAY'S ~ A Chic Boutique said...

Yes ~ Messages for sure! I'm always amazed at what mother nature creates - shells and stones from the beaches and how the water, wave and currents create these spectacular "finds"!! :))