Saturday, September 4, 2010

Gray on Gray...

I noticed Girl Whirl sitting by some of the large glass vases where I have 'contained' my collection of beach rocks...a great photo-op for sure, and a chance for you to see what on earth I have done with all those rocks. The doll growing out of one of the vases was a gift from my friend Joyce. I love it as it has beautiful fabrics carefully hand sewn to create this unique piece. I put it in the rock vase because it has hanging threads at the bottom of the piece. Girl Whirl would eat them for sure, and then she would need life saving surgery (ask me how I know this) so I decided to partially bury the doll!!! Anywho, it works for me, and I have managed to keep Girl Whirl safe from all those hanging threads...LOL!!


Sparkle said...

Girl Whirl looks so pretty with those vases. I know what you mean about the threads, though. Somebody here, ahem-cough-Binga!, likes to eat them too.

Amy Lilley Designs said...

Thank you Sparkle!!...Girl Whirl once ate 2 feet of ribbon and needed life saving, since she used up about 7 of the 9 lives she was given, I am so very careful w/ her....she's a love and a loopy girl kitty...:))..