Saturday, August 20, 2011

The Gift That Keeps on Giving...

rock #1, front
rock #1, back
rock #2, front
rock #2, back

The sun is just a bit lower in the sky. It is starting to 'feel' like summer is slipping away, although it is still August, albeit, the 20th. Today was one of those days at the ocean which can only be labeled perfection. Not a cloud in the sky, a slight breeze, the sun warm, not hot, the tide up most of the day, the beach rocks, laid out so perfectly along the mile or so stretch of shore. I am like a kid in a candy shop, eying the stones for that elusive stripe which goes all the way around, sometimes so very subtle. I look for pure white rocks, or textures and designs which 'pop' when I see them. I 'ooooh' and 'ahhhh' to myself as I drop these precious findings into my yellow bucket. 'Good one', I will say to myself, and then show Jimmy the really special ones when I get back to our slice of the beach. So, here are a few of today's amazing gifts from the ocean deep at Matunuck Beach. I was especially 'taken' with the 2 rocks which were so completely different on either side. I think, as always, 'How on earth did this rock happen, how did this come to be????"
Awesome, totally, awesome...


Azure Accessories said...

Great rocks...#1 and #2 are amazing, so totally different on both sides!!!

Sounds like you did have the most perfect day at the ocean...a wonderful way to spend the day, it would be so tranquil to walk down the beach with you searching for that "perfect" rock, chatting away!!!

Summer here was a long time coming, but I have to say since it arrived it has been the best in a long time...normally once August arrives we are into cool, rainy weather which is why we hope for a great May and June here...but so far August has been sunny, warm and little fact we really are in need of rain. I'll enjoy it while I can though...

Have a great week...

Amy Lilley Designs said...

Those rocks just took my breath away...#1 and #2...completely different and on either side and relatively flat/thin...amazing finds...the day turned out to be picture perfect...the sun didn't come out until around 11am...we actually ran into a huge rain cloud on the way there...but pure heaven after, has the feel of early September...Summer simply comes and goes waaaay too fast...but, this is wide open, curtains blowing in the too my Friend, have a most excellent week...XXXXXXX

Min said...

so cute and lovely stone, i like it so much!replica watches