Wednesday, February 27, 2013

The Ever Changing Skyline...

Sunday, Monday, Tuesday to this lovely Wednesday morning, we have seen blizzard conditions to gorgeous, bright, cloudless skies, literally. These are just a few shots of the ever changing view.


Unknown said...

You really can't tell what weather will come these days. Nice photos! I love it! :)

Amy Lilley Designs said...

It was quite the show, if you the sun is setting later...just posted a pic from 6:01 pm where the sun just went behind the mountain...and this weekend, we are in for high 50's w/ the temps...these few pics were hard NOT to post from such obvious love love

Azure Accessories said...

isn't it amazing how the weather changes!!! Wednesday certainly was a beautiful sky...
I don't know if I've told you I'm doing a photo blog take a look when you get a chance.
I've not visited for a bit as I've been away...gone till March Florida, I'll visit when I can! be well Amy...

Amy Lilley Designs said...

Heather you have been holding out on us...your photos are just surprise, as you have THE EYE!!!!! Wonderful!!!!...have a great time in Florida...XXXXXXX