Friday, October 9, 2015

And Then There Were Two...

The Marina @ Cherry Creek
We're off and paddling..
Looking good Edward...
Like a mirror...until later..
A moment of repose..look close, the white on the lake horizon is the flock of pelicans!!!
The pelicans let me get me get much closer..
These are BIG birds!!!
The Marina @ Cherry Creek State Park, wisely, is open until November. The sun is still very warm. Edward and I had been talking about going kayaking together for a couple of weeks, and yesterday turned out to be the chosen day. We rented the 2 red kayaks, but Edward quickly switched his out for one which was just a little bigger. I am so tiny, I fit anywhere, so the red kayak was still working for me. Off we went. The day was quiet. Looking around the 850 acre lake/reservoir, we saw that we had the place to ourselves. Wow, what a gift. At the beginning of the day, lake was like glass, very smooth, but paddling, maybe because I have not been swimming for a couple of weeks, seemed harder. We wanted to stick to the perimeter to get the most out of the foliage, what creatures we might happen upon, it is the scenic route. We made our way to the far side of the lake. They are easy to spot, the pelicans. Their stark white color is such a contrast to the autumn foliage, the very blue water and they are always in a group. Edward stayed back about 30 feet while I quietly paddled towards them, camera-ready. They let me get closer this time, and I am so happy w/ the couple of pics I posted. But, in true form, once they felt that I was too close, one by one by one, they lined up and away they swam away, to one of their other spots, also on the far side of the lake.

I was thinking that in about 3 months, this water will probably be frozen over, and rather than paddling in it, we might be walking on it. I was thinking that as a Mom, I used to be 'in charge' of Edward's daily activities which included allot of play. Eyes on Edward and his friends @ all times. That ended a long time ago, but this day he was checking up on me. Little person out there paddling against the wind, which kicked up while we too were @ the far end of the lake. Just checking on you Mom. Be still my heart.

'Then the child moved ten times round the seasons
Skated over ten clear frozen streams
Words like when you're older must appease him
And promises of someday make his dreams..'

                                'The Circle Game', Joni Mitchell

Post script: I am very very sore today...all that against the wind paddling...

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