Yesterday morning looked promising... |
...but, there was a tornado warning...we drove through the park anyhow... |
...and there it was, definitely a storm..please do not spin, please do not spin... |
...storm clouds over the lake, so dramatic and beautiful... |
...definitely time to exit and head home... |
...we drove right into the dark cloud... |
12 Mile Stables...time top stop taking pics an get home...
Yesterday we woke up to large cumulus clouds and thought that there might be promise for some sunshine and a long walk in the park. Things took a quick turn, and then there was a tornado warning issued for Arahapoe County...really, I thought, really???? We decided, after double checking the warnings, that it was okay to drive though Cherry Creek State Park and take some pics. We could see the enormous dark, foreboding skies to the south. The first 2 pics are looking north. I took shot after shot after shot, and I felt like I was taking the same picture over and over and over again, as the ginormous cloud just seemed to sit in the sky and not move or change...all the while, we knew that it was coming closer. We got out of the car at the lake, where I took the pic I posted on Instagram and Facebook. The beauty out-weighed the pending storm, but it was very clear at that point that we needed to head home...only 10 minutes away. By the time we reached the 12 Mile Stables, the rain started, and the darkness did not seem so bad after all. Little Kitty stayed as low as possible without plastering herself to the floor, and took her spot on the 2nd step down to Edward's space...safe. Amazingly, truly amazingly, after the downpour, the sun came blasting out and we did take that walk in the park, only to spot yet another storm on the horizon. When the 2nd storm hit, the wind was so vicious that Jimmy literally could not close one of the windows. That storm also blew through and the night gave us stars and a crescent moon. Today, more rain, they say. At the moment, quiet. We'll take it...
'There will be a shelter to give shade from the heat by day, and refuge and protection from the storm and the rain.'
Isaiah 4:6
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