Thursday, June 22, 2017

The Lake

I am very fortunate to be able to go out on the lake during the week, when it is quiet vs. the weekends when most people take out their boats of all shapes and sizes, jet-ski's, inner tubes, etc. I am one of the few humans sharing space with the Pelicans, the Great Blue Herons, the ducks and her 'lings', the geese, with a very rare eagle siting, some giant fish, all of whom I have named 'Walter' (On Golden Pond) jumping out of the water...I would LOVE to capture Walter in a photo!  I have to immediately start paddling which I immediately love and then wonder, what will the day bring. I look over my shoulder and I can see the Rockies, still a wee bit snow capped, I look forward, and on the far side, I see a small line of white, which are the Pelicans. I paddle towards them. It is my goal to get to the far side of the lake each time. It takes me around 50 minutes. Sometimes I stop along the way, now that the Herons have returned, there might be an opportunity to take some pics. The Herons only let me get so close before they pull their long necks way down, and by some miracle take off. They are at least 4 feet tall, and very pre-historic looking, so, seeing them in flight is pretty amazing. This first pic of the Heron was truly a gift, as he, very out of character, gave me some time to not only get closer, but stay, and take this first pic along with about 20 more. I love love love paddling not far from the shore, as that is where most of the wildlife can be seen, except for Walter(s) who are in the deeper waters. The Pelicans let me get closer, (even tho, with both big birds, I am using my zoom), and they are great fun to photograph. On occasion I will meet other kayakers, and wave or stop for a chat in the middle of the lake, but for the most, it's just me. I treasure that time alone, having a purpose or, really, many, and remain ridiculously grateful to be healthy with camera in tow, ready for a new adventure!

Mr. Great Blue Heron!!
Fortunate to catch the flight, with a deer, geese, pelicans in the background..
The shallows...lots of action here!!
The ever photogenic Pelicans.. 
Mr. Pelican, fluffing it up a bit..
The serenity, around 4pm..
'For behold, the winter is past, The rain is over and gone. The flowers have already appeared in the land; The time has arrived for pruning the vines, And the voice of the turtledove has been heard in our land. The fig tree has ripened its figs, And the vines in blossom have given forth their fragrance...'
                                                                                                        Song of Solomon 2:11-13

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