Lennart Neilson loved his electron microscope. He also loved photography and nature. He was an explorer, a pioneer. He was the first to give us a glimpse into the womb and see, simply, how we develop over those 9 months. We were in awe. The pictures were in Life Magazine. But then, he published the pictures in a book, called, 'Behold, Man.' I was taken by the sheer beauty of the pictures and my far off desire to have children. When I first drew this picture, and showed it to people, I would always turn it around, like the top picture. But, after I had my son, I learned that I need not have changed anything, because I drew it in the 'launch position.' That was an expression my OBGYN used, when it was about time to deliver my bundle of joy, head first. Hence, the launch position!
hello Amy
I love the colours that you have used in this drawing... especially the fuschia...
I had a dream last night about babies... and it was so clear...
the poor baby was walking a couple of hours after it was born :0
my son was born in the "launch" position too :) whereas I had a caesarean with my daughter...
Hi Amy:
Isn't it interesting that we have these dreams or thoughts before we even "know" something?... I remember dreaming of a blonde haired, blue-eyed boy - and sure enough, my first and only child was that. The doctor was kindof blown away at my early appointments, because I was so sure. Unlike your son, though, he was also born Caeserean - with a beautiful round head.
Great drawing - quite beautiful.
After being engaged for about three days on a discussion about abortion at BlogCatalog, looking at this beatiful celebration of life makes reinforce my confidence on there is still hope for of humanity. Thanks for sharing this lovely picture.
Hey Kim...I copied the drawing from the book, 'Behold Man', and I think that his background lighting was similar...the book is long gone...somewhere between my many moves from coast to coast...wow, great dream that you had...(I miss having a baby around)...very interesting that the baby was walking so soon after birth...sounds like a lamb or many of our other 4 legged friends...
Edward is my only one and after 8 hours, launch he did!!!
Yes, Laura, and Kim, the c-section babies come out less scrunched up!!! I have no doubt, Laura, that you were sure, as we listen to the quiet voice within, or have such vivid dreams, how could it NOT BE??
Thank you for dropping by...please do come back again!
Blessings to you both!
This is so full. I only have ultrasound image of monthly development of my child. This can be a great collection.
Hello amy, I feel happy when I look at the launch position. A new life will be born and maybe much love will come into being.
Anthony, yes there is hope for humanity...I'm delighted that your confidence has been restored in humanity w/ the sight of these drawings!
Atniz...I don't know whose child this is, as I copied it from one of Lennart Neilson's magnificent photos...I would be curious to see if there was any follow-up done on the birth!
Hello Ray...happy is good!!!! Thank you!
The launch position, LOVE IT! I remember being just about to hatch Max, and feeling what I thought was his butt, between my ribs, thinking , my, what a big ol hard butt this kid has... WRONG - that was his punkin head I was fondling! It was too late to turn him and I had a c-section.
Hi Elle...isn't it amazing what goes on in there...I am a really tiny gal and I remember feeling my son's feet in my rib cage...thankfully, he was 2 1/2 weeks early!!! Glad that you hatched well!
My first child, my daughter, was in launch position, but my labor never progessed. I had to have an emergency c-section with her and a second c-section when it was time for my son to be born.
Hey Pink Lemonade...launch position is great, but doesn't always, well, launch...everyone has such a different experience. I'm glad that your babies were hatched, c-section and all!!!
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