This drawing, this very detailed drawing has so much pencil work in it, that light actually reflects off of the lead (hence, no flash). The colors are from Hana Mori markers and prisma colored pencils. You have all seen people pull out their knitting, or crocheting while visiting you for tea, or on the subway, or sitting in a park. Well, this is what I did with this particular drawing. I just took it with me where ever I went, pulled it out and carefully worked on it, until I reached that all important moment, where as an artist, you have to know when to stop. There is no right or wrong in that decision, it's personal. So, this is where I stopped.
Wow, the color and design are really nice.
Nice post, have a beautiful day.
Oh wow! This is so detailed and beautiful. I'm sure that it is even more gorgeous in person.
Interesting piece. I imagine the process is quite relaxing. Just as knitting would be.
I love it! The flow and form of the figure is so fluid and ladylike :-) And all that detail - wow!!!
Thank you coolingstar...it was a very organic piece...you have a nice day too!!
Hey angel...this is one of those pieces that's hard to really capture it all..especially w/out the flash!
Thank you!!
The process, Marlaine, was somewhat therapeutic @ the time...I think that's why people knit, and crochet and bead...there is a very relaxing element involved!
Christy, I was spending time w/ alot of dancers @ the time and drawing them alot...so the 'flowy' part was running in my veins...I appreciate that you feel her to be 'ladylike'...the detail...well, part of the process..
absolutely beautiful!
Absolutely beautiful! I can only imagine how much better it is in person. The colors just sing!
gosh Amy...
this is so beautiful...you must be very patient :)
the colours and design are so much like butterfly wings...
I love the title too :) :)
I love it.
The movement in the drawing. It's amazing.
Beautiful! Wish I could see it in person.
This is simply stunning Amy...even with the title, when I first looked at it my original thought was of the back of a woman's head in the wind...her hair blowing all around her face...but...then I enlarged the first photo and saw the tiny face...and everything fell into place...funny how things look different when viewed from different angles/sizes etc.,
She is a beautiful butterfly lady...you can almost feel her wings fluttering!!!!!
Thank you Meg!!!
HI Jennifer...I'm so glad that you can feel the colors singing...even w/ the digital camera, it was hard to capture the 'fullness' of this drawing!
Yes, Kim, I am very, very patient...I think that jewelry making and always being a 'detail' gal have really honed the patient part of me...not all the time tho!!!
designing hilary, you're welcome to drop by anytime!!!!
Heather, that is great that you saw something SO different than what was drawn...especially @ first glance...sometimes, if I hold my pieces (artwork) up to a mirror, I'll see them with a totally different eye (kind of like thru the looking glass!)..gives me perspective as to balance, etc...I don't think I ever did that w/ this one...I like the idea of the back of a woman's head, hair blowing in the wind!
Ooops, hey Laane, do glad that you can feel the movement...thank you!!!
I love how organic it is.
this is soooo cool!!!! and beautiful.... it conjures up images of a re-birth, freedom and strength... stunning!!! + I love butterflies - I have 9 tattoed down my back :-)
There is prose in this piece.....
It touches my soul.
Very subtle and beautiful ...
hey Jamie Sue...organic is a perfect description!
Triz!!!...your are back...I've missed you...hope that you had a FABULOUS break!...re-birth, freedom and strength...those are strong words!!!...9 BUTTERFLIES tattooed on your back...now that's a very big 'WOW'!!!!
Ahhh Miss Muse, you see words coming out of Butterfly Lady...of course...as your poems touch my soul, so she has touched you...I LOVE IT!
Thank you lux...so glad that you stopped by...love your blog!!!
it's lovely! thanks for sharing :) the best I've done is some doodles!
[dropping by via entrecard, btw] *lynne*
WOW! This is fantastic! You are one talented lady!
I, too would love to see it "in person" as the camera I'm sure has not interpreted it with it's full glory.
lynne, YOUR doodles are BEAUTIFUL!!!!
Thank you for sharing!!!!
Thank you for the compliment Margaret!
hey Lisa-crazy...thank you!
At first I didn't see her face on the edge of colour either. Inspirational.
ferox...I LOVE the pic of the horses on your blog...I recently took some pics of dairy cows and they have taken on a life of their own... I would love to get to some horses as well...closeup and personal..yes, there is a face there in Butterfly Lady...glad you like!
What a beautiful drawing...but, what can I say...
your husband...
That is BEAUTIFUL! You are so talented!
Really like this! Very cool! When to stop is always the question. I usually stop when I think if I go any further I'll ruin it!
This is a fantastic piece,I love the delicate complexity of the drawing.The colors and how they play off of each other is awesome.Also you are so right about knowing when to stop,that is something I think only artists under stand.All it takes is one to many and the moment is gone.The rest of your pieces are are just as good.Nice art work.Good luck on your next pieces.
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