NYC Ducks
Battery Park City
With a background in Fine Arts, my eye is well trained to notice the smallest of details. Photography is a passion. With the advent of the digital age, I use that same trained eye through the monitor of my digital camera, from macro shots to sweeping landscapes while enjoying the full range of editing.
wow Amy..
these ducks are very photogenic aren't they!!!
that last photo is amazing...the duck is certainly blending with its habitat..
I love the colours ...so harmonious...
I should send you the original photo of the duck in it's 'natural habitat'..this is a large man-made pond w/ some foliage so that the ducks, like this one can hide from the humans...I too, love the colors Kim...the deep purple leaves are great cover for the ducks!
When I looked at these photos my first thought was, pictures of serenity!!
These photos don't need words they speak for themselves...
What a great close up shot of the duck!
Heather, the ducks seemed happy to me...but, I'm just the messenger!!!
Thank you Lynne...glad that you like!
What a great shot, I like the first one. Happy WW!
As usual my friend, an excellent moment of beauty, caught on film!
Great eye, Amy!
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