I went to art school from the time I was in 7th to 9th grade. The school was called Pels School of Art and it was in the famous Ansonia Building on 72nd Street and Broadway in NYC. Mr. and Mrs. Pels lived in the building and the school was on the 2nd floor. I would get up every Saturday morning, catch a couple of buses and stay for a good 4 hours. When you walked in you were immediately hit with the combined smell of linseed oil and turpentine. It was a just a big studio where we received a loving suggestion here, a very good point there. (Although somehow, that ear never got painted... and if you look closely, you can see where I added about one inch of his neck to his left side...hmmmm, what can I say, I was 14 at the time!). I built up a great portfolio which helped me to get into Music and Art (now called Fiorella H. LaGuardia HS of the Performing Arts...whew!). This training, this teaching, was a big difference, another WORLD from the classes that Edward took at Rhode Island School of Design. I received a solid foundation of drawing with pencil, pastels, charcoal and painting with oils. It is no longer there, I think it's a law firm now.
That's really impressive. I couldn't imagine painting anything like that even now. Of course, my artistic skills are with the written word, but I had no talent with those either at 14.
Thank you Matt...I remember how much I LOVED being there and how prolific I was @ the time, w/out even thinking about it... it's been framed and was in my parents' home, I have it now..it seemed 'post worthy'...glad that you like!!!
I would have loved attending art school at 14!!!! i'm jealous :-) lucky for me we had some great art teachers in highschool which encouraged me to apply to art school (at 19) but would have loved to spend saturdays drawing in that environment rather than sitting at home watching tv! :-) great drawing for any age! :-)
That's pretty amazing! Wow! Nice work!
That's really incredible - you must have been born with your talent. Its awesome you still have the painting too - thanks for sharing!
Hey Triz...thank you...yes, it was a great experience and really prepared me for the High School I went to, Music and Art, where we were able to specialize in our 'field' all thru HS...
Hi Fittness, thank you!..I like having it around...
Miss Deb, I think that you were born w/ your talents as well..I was fortunate that the dance lessons I took previous to the art lessons didn't work out...I was way too shy..much happier being an artist!!
Just been catching up on your posts... you're 4ft 10.5ins tall? I think you've a touch of elfin or faery blood in you, ya know? All that magic, stuffed into such a tiny frame! LOL
I think some "learn" to draw, paint, take photos, etc., but there are those who are born with a talent and it is obvious you and your son are two of those people...born to express yourselves in an artistic way...even at fourteen, without the other ear it is obvious!!! :0)
You are a very gifted person. I went through a few of your works and was amazed. I used to paint when I was 14 but then had to let it go to pursue other goals. I am so envious now! LOL
hey jaggy jam....well, it's never been put quite that way before...but, yes, I am a tiny gal!!!
Oh Heather, I agree w/ you...I've been painting since I was 3 and Edward really started to do some amazing work early on...it is a gift, a true gift, and we both acknowledge it...thank you!!!
Hey Ghazal...thanks for taking the time to have a look/see...glad that you enjoyed the work...I'd wager that your painting abilities are still there...give ti a whirl...you might be pleasantly surprised!!!
layne, I thought that was you...just got back from a wedding in NY, and am on your blog as I type...lol
Wow, amazing. You obviously have had a gift from conception! LOL Your work is just amazing and beautiful.
Nina, thank you...I saw your work on I-Emporium,(I think..lol) and YOU are amazing...thank you for the look/see!
I really love the whimsical expression on the clowns face...
you obviously loved your art classes Amy...
thanks goodness for Parents who send their children along to classes like this...
I went to art classes too with my brother and sister... the lessons were invaluable :)
Hey Kim...I actually asked my husband if he thought that it was a 'scary' clown...having lost all perspective...and he assured me that it wasn't...so, I'm glad that you feel the whimsy...I vaguely remember painting it...but, I do remember that the head was way off, hence the 'neck addition', and the ear, impossible to consider at the time.
Yes, as valuable as the lessons were to me, (and I did love being there), I knew that Edward would glean from his experiences @ RISD as well...I'm so glad that you too gleaned so richly from your lessons...IT SHOWS!!!
Wow! You're soooo talented!
wow! you're very talented!
I adore the missing ear...
Why? Because to me it brings so much of the humanness back to the creation... It shows your growth during the time it was being painted...
Like the steps you skip, as you grow older... The time passing bringing more confidence in your stride and your brush strokes...!
Thank you laane and shawie!!!
Good point Ms. Muse...I remember that painting that ear was out of the question...too hard...STILL hard...I should do a study of ears..
Wow, you were 14 when you painted that? It's such a cool piece, glad you shared that story.
Wow, you have the skills to paint. You've started a very young age, I'm sure you develop those talent...awesome! Keep it up!
Hey Leah, BTW, I saw your duct tape dress...THAT is very cool...thanks for the look/see and taking the time to comment!
Raquel, 14 years of age is a long time ago...and yes, I have kept it up!!!
Amy, what I really like here is the suggestion of a clown in the background - or at least, that is what I see. Very good use of color at such a young age too. What a treat going to art school at such a young age.
Hey Christy...we copied, copied, copied everything, including the clown...I did many a pastel landscape...some of which I still have..somewhere...yes, there is another clown in the background...I loved, loved, loved going to Pels...
Now, there is talent! I love it...reminds me of those french traveling circuses..... fabulous!!
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