Edward Lilley
Edward Lilley
With a background in Fine Arts, my eye is well trained to notice the smallest of details. Photography is a passion. With the advent of the digital age, I use that same trained eye through the monitor of my digital camera, from macro shots to sweeping landscapes while enjoying the full range of editing.
This is pretty neat! wondering how it was done... go Yankees!
He did it on photoshop, from the original which was a newspaper collage...that was very neat as well! ...yeaaa...go Yankees!!
excellent work!!!!
I love the composition and colours...
very NOW!!!
congratulations Edward :) :)
Thank you Kim...he is very, very current...as well he should be...this is one of those pieces, that for him, took on a life of it's own...one of my favorites...I'll pass on the compliment!
That is cooooooooool! :-)
I love the image itself and also the pose.
That is an amazing portrait! Love the colours!
When I opened your site my first thought was wow...an amazing portrait!!!!
A talented young man...he must take after his mother...:0)
I always enjoy seeing what comes from other artists minds...some have such a unique perspective...which is what you want!!!
Hey Marylou...I think that he got the image from a photo...but, he really put this one together quite well...glad that you think it's so coooooool!
Thank you Lilly...he has a good sense of color, tho, I think he's still being stretched w/ colors and mediums, like acrylic and oils that have nothing to do w/ the computer!
Heather, this really does look like him! He did a great job with this! He's been drawing, really drawing since he was in about 4th grade...some of the 'old' work is priceless..looking back! Thank you, yes, looks like the gene has been passed along!
Love this! Made me stop and look at it for a while. Love the expression, the colors, everything. Great job!
Thank you Henson...I'm so glad that YOU, stopped and took notice...I'll let him know how you 'stopped' and looked for a while...GREAT!!!
Awesome piece of art! I'm a wannabe artist who also enjoy and appreciate the great work of others. :) Very cool!
Soulful...I'm drawn in by the eyes...
the eyes are just saying so much!!
Hey Louie...AWESOME...great way to describe Edward's portrait...if you 'wannabe', then you must practice, practice, practice...all the best!!
Muse, he has the 'Lilley' eyes...I must send you a pic of Edward and his Dad when he was about 3...you'll see what I mean...yes, very soulful..
Love this!
amazing!!! what a talented family!!!!
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