Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Wordless Wednesday

Girl Whirl, aka, Little Kitty


Anonymous said...

totally purrfect!


Unknown said...

Look at that balance, the poise! What a stunner. A Ten, for sure!

Secondary Roads said...

Beautiful and elegant.

Amy Lilley Designs said...

Tulips, she's such a pretty girl whirl!!

Christy, A TEN!!!!! YIPPPPEEEE!!!!

Secondary Roads, thank you, she is a beauty, and the camera loves her...:)))

Unknown said...

She is a beauty!

Storm, The Psychotic Housewife said...

Beautiful kitty! :)

Anonymous said...

Look at THAT face! Oh, my! What is going on behind those mysterious eyes? ;)

Anonymous said...

I have to agree, she's a purretty girl, and look at that poise! :D

Amy Lilley Designs said...

Lydia, agreed...she's a pretty girl whirl...:)))

Thank you Storm...I'll make sure the compliments don't go straight to her already loopy head!

And THAT Fitness Diva is the million dollar question!!!

Modern Mom...her balance is amazing...she's been perching herself on the smallest and narrowest of spots since she was a kitten...the higher the better!

Deb DiSalvo said...

Look at that sassy diva!!!! She couldn't have posed better. She sure is a pretty kitty - her coat looks like silk!

Jackie said...

Just staring and more purrfect can it get? Wonderful Amy.

Happy WW on!!:-))

Amy Lilley Designs said...

That's my girl Deb...a sassy diva...but your Stella is a sassy gal too...we have such good

Jackie, what do you think she's pondering...I'm thinking that in her mind she's pondering that chair arm is not high enough, 'where's the highest place I can perch...'...:))

Anonymous said...

That is one sexy cat!

Anonymous said...

She's a beauty! She is posing great. My cat is always on the move, every second :)


Amy Lilley Designs said...

Nick, no one has ever called Girl Whirl sexy before...hmmmmmmm...:)

bsilva...she has bursts of energy where she tears thru the house...but she's pushing, she's out of the kitten phase for sure...but quick...very quick...and I agree, she's one pretty girl whirl..:))

Azure Accessories said...

What a regal "Girl"...she sure knows she is special, doesn't she!!! :0)


Silvester said...

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