Thursday, September 27, 2012

Ridiculous, Never-ending FUN!!!

Like pancakes....the smell of the mess hall in the morning...
Our version of synchronized swimming...
Oh, how I hate to get up in the morning...
In the 40's, Upper Campus...Mom all the way to the right, top row!!
Colored stripes were our awards which were stitched on to our camp shorts. These are mine and, no, I cannot still fit into these!!
We have a very active Camp Wall on Facebook where we continually have a ridiculous amount of fun. Those of you who went to camp, understand. It takes very little to get us going and our collective memories have been a wonder. I put together a Pinterest Board called 'Sleepaway Camp'. Mom was the Arts & Crafts counselor and Dad came up on weekends, almost every weekend, for 12 summers. Recently, going through Mom's old pictures, I found some treasures, which I posted on our lively camp wall. These are just a couple of the many sayings and pictures which we love to love.

'Let's drink a toast to all those happy summers, and then another one for those to come....there's nothing that can compare to all the fun we share, camp life is so grand that we will tresasue it eternally...'

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