Friday, May 1, 2015

April Showers Have Brought...

Outside of Cherry Creek State Park parameters...
The Rockies...
This morning...
In their glory...not even in full bloom yet...
Very very tall!!!!
 The skies are ridiculously dramatic. When there is a storm or rain on the way, you can literally see it from an hour away to 5 minutes away. The big skies remain a photographers (and a meteorologists) playground. I take many many more pictures than I post. I save some for the blog. We need the rain, and I am grateful for it. I was standing on the deck late yesterday afternoon, and I smelled something really sweet. I was given a very pretty Gardenia plant, which loves the sun, and I have been taking it out, and bringing it back inside for about a month now. The nights are still chilly. I thought, may be 'all that' which I was smelling was from this plant, which has yet to bloom. Nope. I followed the scent, and much to my surprise (as this is our first Spring in this house) the entire back side of the house has huge, blooming Lilac bushes!!!!! Really? I recently spent close to $20 for a few stems. I thought, isn't that just like God....

 ' For, lo, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone;
The flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds is come, and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land;'
                                                                   Song of Solomon 2:11-12

And, just to say, yes, I am aware that the officers involved in the Freddie Gray murder, have been charged, and yes, I ache and pray for the survivors of the massive earthquake in Nepal, yes, I am aware that a little girl was told that she could not eat her Oreo cookies at lunch in a school not far from where we live, and yes, I am aware of the overwhelming Syrian refugee crisis in the Middle East, and yes, I am aware that all the bad news is escalating. Yes, I am aware. Given all that and oh, so much more, I remain grateful beyond measure to be able to take the time to smell, well, in this case, the lilacs....

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