Windy city on Monday made the skies change and change and change... |
...and change... |
...all to give us this beamy sunset... |
Playing with the zoom...the Rockies are at least 25 miles away, and this peak, 14,000 feet in elevation!! |
Macro, lamplight, soft sweet Girl... |
Similar to looking for a new place to live, I have a list of priorities. First question, 'Do they accept animals, cats?' When looking for a new camera, first question, 'Does it have Wifi?'. In both instances, the response was a resounding 'YES!!'. However, when rubber officially met the road, and we were literally hours away from signing a lease on a house, the rental agent called and said no animals, no cats allowed, and guess what, when I started toying with the new camera, I discovered that it had no Wifi. Even with my on-line research, and assuming that it actually did have Wifi, I missed this huge piece of information, or lack thereof. So when the instance of the 'no cat house' fell through, we found another house, this one, which is so far greater than we could have imagined. Back to Best Buy we went this past Saturday, new camera in tow, having talked to the head of the camera department, who felt terrible that I had received misinformation. No worries, I said, what else do you have...knowing that there was something better. Lesson learned from the house debacle. Indeed he did. It was a step up from the original Sony I purchased 3 days earlier. In the 3 years since the purchase of my trustee little Nikon, technology, as we all know has grown in light year speed, rendering my old camera relatively extinct... (so sad). Anywho, I came home with a solid, small enough for my little hands, crazy intense zoom, (I'm thinking eagles, hawks, coyotes, mountain tops, sunrise, sunset, and Lord knows what else!), and, yes, Wifi.
You have to be somewhat, at least a little, technology literate and brave, I think, to delve into setting up the Wifi. Even with the instruction manual, help from Sony's web site, I only needed Edward's help one time, and that was finding the key pad on the camera, which needed to be registered and synced to Sony's web site on my computer. There were downloads and passwords and apps and immediately being thrown into the deep water. SWIM, if you want this camera to work!!! I could not possibly repeat the steps it took me to get there, but all I know is that the Wifi is hooked up, and it, like the powerful zoom, is crazy fast. Like any new piece of technology, it will take me a while to figure everything out. Already, I have found features, then lost them, wondering where they went, how do I get back there??? But, what I do know is that this camera is challenging my eye, making me sit with it to see what we can do together, and eventually, in time, it will be my trustee little Sony.
...and, just because it is so pretty, and interesting. A Diptic pic of some Tulips I took with my iPhone the other day @ Whole Foods...
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