Wednesday, March 9, 2016


I started a new book this morning. The first entry of the last one was June 13, 2014, exactly 2 years to the date of the book before that. In true form, getting the ink to flow in my raidograph pen with lots of swirls on the top of the page, I began! I am also buying a new camera today. My trustee little Nikon simply stopped working, which I knew was coming. Lo and behold, I spent time yesterday w/ a Gal @ Best Buy, who is an actual camera nerd, her words, not mine. She was SO helpful. All I can tell you is that it is a Sony camera. From everything she told me and from the research I did on-line, it looks like the right camera for me. I am nervous, excited, a little scared about the camera. Clearly, it is time. A new book holding words, precious words, and a new camera, holding pictures, precious pictures. Both holding my heart in their hands.

'Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.'
                                                                                        Isaiah 43:19

Postscript: The good news, is that I bought the camera, but, the bad news, is that every Best Buy in 'the area' did not have it in stock, which in essence, is also good news. So, I will have to wait a couple of days for it to be delivered to my front shipping charge!

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