A flood of emotion
comes pouring onto
the board. A mixed
media look into my
head and heart!
With a background in Fine Arts, my eye is well trained to notice the smallest of details. Photography is a passion. With the advent of the digital age, I use that same trained eye through the monitor of my digital camera, from macro shots to sweeping landscapes while enjoying the full range of editing.
That's beautiful Amy! Have a great weekend and Mother's Day!
Cheers, Deb
Oh thank you Deb...and a very Happy Mother's Day to you as well!!!
this is so intriguing - I've come back to look at it about 4 times now since you posted it. I still can't figure out how you did it!
Layers, ink, pastel, pastel pencil, then colored pencil drawing into the details...and the WHITE pastel...very important!!
Christy...in this drawing...a little bit of ink...
Every time I come back to look at this one, I like it more! It's really great!
THank you Miss Kelly...a Happy Mother's Day to you!!!!
I love all the different things that are going on in this! Very interesting!
Thank you Sandra...glad that you took a look/see!
thanks for that Amy - it is so intriguing. Why isn't your artwork on Etsy?
that is awesome. Love it!
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